Data Analytics Solutions | Genpact

Data analytics solutions

Accelerate your digital transformation journey with advanced analytics and AI

data and analytics services

Data-led innovation

Data is the fuel that powers digital transformation. And we help enterprise leaders use their data to enhance customer value and drive sustainable growth. Through our deep business and industry knowledge and skills with data, technology, and AI, including building robust data foundations on the cloud, we empower clients to drive unparalleled outcomes.

As resilience and agility remain business critical, our global team of data, analytics, and AI professionals turn data into business intelligence.

We connect all the dots so your workforce can focus on value creation, not day-to-day operations. From building new products and services to delivering memorable customer experiences, we help organizations reimagine what's possible.

Our impact

Insight hero isg ranks genpact a leader in data science data engineering and data management

Setting the pace for digital transformation with data and AI solutions

ISG ranks Genpact a leader in data science, data engineering, and data management.
Read the report

Our solutions

Across industries and functions, our analytics offerings turn data into actionable insights, empowering teams to make decisions at speed. We deliver proven routes to value and competitive advantage for our clients.

Why Genpact

We create strong data foundations, develop prescriptive engines, and democratize access to insights across the organization. Our process and digital expertise help our clients gain value from data, resulting in higher employee satisfaction, productivity, customer loyalty, and business growth.

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"Genpact has made significant organic investments in strengthening its IP portfolio, along with inorganic investments to complement and scale its existing portfolio. The clients appreciate Genpact's domain expertise, responsiveness, and willingness to adapt to their requirements."

How we think

To solve every business challenge, we blend digital technologies with our team's expertise in big data analytics, predictive analytics, cloud, and business intelligence. Explore our latest thinking on how we see analytics driving competitive advantage and long-term value.