Retail Industry | Genpact

Retail industry

AI-powered transformation that drives customer engagement

retail solutions


We help retail companies elevate front-, middle-, and back-office functions to enhance customer experiences (CX) and combat low margins. We boost efficiency, profitability and CX by leveraging automation, artificial intelligence, and analytics.

Genpact in retail: innovation for consumer trust

Featured solutions

Our AI-powered solutions enable retailers to transform internal processes to improve asset management and merchandising, prevent revenue leakage, and optimize finance and accounting, supply chains, and logistics.

Why Genpact

Our bespoke AI-enabled solutions tackle the biggest retail challenges head on. How? We accelerate efficiency with process automation, enhance data and analytics capabilities, and redesign shopping experiences so the customer is always happy.

How we think

Our insights come from working with retailers around the world to enable them to embrace digital transformation and lead in a modernized, consumer-driven economy.