Revealing better ways to do business with agile analytics
  • Case study

Revealing better ways to do business with agile analytics

How a private health insurance company uses analytics to deliver exceptional service to its employees and members

Who we worked with

A private health insurance company

How we helped

  • Developed solutions aligned to business objectives using agile analytics
  • Delivered 6 innovative analytics solutions during an 11-month period
  • Created reusable data and analytics objects to speed up future solution development

What the company needed

  • To enhance its existing analytics capabilities and help employees unlock more actionable insights
  • To improve collaboration with healthcare providers to deliver high-quality, affordable services to their members

What the company got

  • Better member targeting to reveal revenue opportunities of $55 million
  • Increased efficiency and collaboration to identify potential cost-saving opportunities of $75 million
  • Reduced data-collection processes from months to days
  • The ability to proactively support members at a high risk of contracting COVID-19


Breathe fresh life into analytics

Our client, a private health insurance company, was facing rising healthcare costs. To avoid passing these costs on to its valued members, the insurer planned to grow its existing analytics capabilities to uncover new ways to remain competitive.

Working with Genpact, our client set out to enhance its analytics strategy, solution development, and delivery model. The aim was to improve customer engagement, increase the quality of medical care while reducing costs, better negotiate reimbursement contracts, and spend money more wisely.


Analytics at speed and scale

Genpact began with a hub-and-spoke delivery model. The hub is the analytics organization itself, and four business areas – which could be improved through analytics – were chosen as spokes. Then, pods of cross-functional, multilingual analytical experts from Genpact and the insurer worked together to create solutions for each spoke.

We used an agile analytics approach to make sure new solutions were of the highest possible quality and developed at speed. Namely, agile analytics focuses on the end goal by developing and refining prototypes before investing fully in proposed solutions. We also engaged the appropriate business and IT partners up front to
incorporate their expertise throughout development.

Finally, pods coordinated with data experts to create and tap into a solid data foundation. This step is essential to prepare clean and reliable data, readily available to support analytical solutions as required.

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Actionable insights for betterways to do business

In just 11 months, we developed 6 analytics solutions. Different business functions can use these solutions to generate their own actionable business insights. Some examples include:

A machine-learning solution that identifies product portfolio gaps. Using this tool, the insurer can identify customers ideally placed to move to Medicare – a national health insurance program – from commercial plans. This is a revenue opportunity of more than $55 million

  • An advanced marketing campaign targeting tool to intelligently promote a new pharmaceutical delivery service. The initial adoption of this service equates to $500,000 in potential delivery cost savings
  • A dynamic dashboard that highlights hospital and provider network performance to guide members to the most suitable provider and inform negotiations on group insurance rates. Moreover, the underlying data foundation reduced time taken to collect the associated data from months to days

These new solutions increased efficiency across our client’s operations revealing $75 million in potential cost saving opportunities.

Genpact also approached the engagement with scalability in mind by creating reusable analytics objects to speed up the development of future solutions. This is what enabled our client to take swift action to support its members during the onset of COVID-19.

In just two weeks, our client assembled an analytics pod to develop a COVID-19 dashboard that highlighted members most at risk of contracting the virus. Care managers were able to contact 240,000 high-risk members about health resources. In areas that might see a spike in cases, network managers warned healthcare providers so they could prepare to meet demand.

Today, we’re reviewing our client’s data management process, its overall governance plan, and its compliance strategy. With enhanced capabilities and a foundation for rapid solution development, the insurer is ready to adapt and thrive using the power of analytics.

To learn more about our journeys in analytics, visit our podcast series page.

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