Enhancing Kraft Heinz's global food & beverage delivery
  • Case study

Optimizing how Kraft Heinz delivers the world's favorite food and beverages

Reducing cost per order and improving revenue for this household name

Who we worked with

Kraft Heinz, a multinational food and beverage company.

What the company needed

  • Reduced cost per order
  • Enhanced customer and user experiences
  • Optimized order management process

How we helped

Together with Kraft Heinz, we built a custom order management solution to:

  • Enhance visibility of orders during fulfillment
  • Unlock intelligent recommendations on how to process order exceptions
  • Prioritize orders for fulfillment
  • Enable rule-based actions for order exceptions

What the company got

  • Better visibility of customer needs
  • Better productivity
  • Improved customer experience (CX)
  • Increased revenue


Fix inefficiencies causing lost revenue and reputational damage

Kraft Heinz is one of the world's best-known and most-loved consumer packaged goods (CPG) brands. From Heinz Ketchup to Kraft Singles, its products are kitchen staples that consumers expect to find on the shelves of their preferred retailers.

To live up to these expectations, Kraft Heinz must successfully fulfill customers' orders. If it doesn't, it not only faces revenue losses but reputational damage through reduced customer satisfaction. And, inefficient processes adversely impact its cost per order. This is the challenge the company approached Genpact to help solve.

Our first step was to thoroughly assess what was driving inefficiencies in the order management process. Here's what we found:

  • Labor-intensive order interventions – multiple systems and Excel reports were causing customer service coordinators (CSCs) to spend unnecessary time researching and fixing order blocks/exceptions
  • Low case fill rate (CFR) – out-of-stock items meant that only a portion of retail customers' orders could be fulfilled
  • Suboptimal truck loads – low CFR led to shipping below capacity
  • Poor visibility coupled with a high-query volume – with a high volume of orders processed annually, tracking customer orders and replying to queries promptly and accurately was difficult

The next step was to solve these challenges with a one-of-a-kind solution.


A tool that manages exceptions and reduces manual work

We realized that there was no tool in the market that could orchestrate order management in line with the nuances and scale of a CPG company like Kraft Heinz. So, we set out to create one.

We used the ServiceNow customer service management module for workflow management and process orchestration and brought in Genpact's Cora Assist Accelerator to automate exceptions and create a single pane of glass (SPOG) for CSCs. Our first-of-its-kind solution includes:

  • Automated order intake, prioritization, validation, and confirmation
  • Enhanced order exception management, taking into account multiple factors such as seasonal promotions and economic fluctuations that lead to changing customer needs
  • Personalized replacement suggestions for out-of-stock items based on shipping and logistics, real-time inventory, and purchase history, saving CSCs from manual research and analysis
  • Truck load optimization for every order
  • Improved visibility of order status and customer data via a SPOG interface for enhanced CX
  • Better customer service through automated alerts and notifications, plus all queries get managed and resolved on a single platform

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Truck utilization and revenue up, cost per order down

After just two years of implementation, the bespoke tool has led to:

  • Over 35% reduction in cost per order
  • Increased revenue via stock replacements and increased truck loads
  • Improvement in customer satisfaction scores
  • A boost in CFR as out-of-stock items are now replaced with alternatives so the percentage of products shipped is closer to products ordered
  • Increased average truck utilization by 10%

Looking ahead, the Genpact and Kraft Heinz partnership will grow to deliver even better CX through increasingly personalized order management. Together, we'll help consumers find their favorite products on the shelves of their preferred retailers.

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