Evolution of gen AI | Cost control | Cloud in tech services
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Talking technology services

Discussing gen AI, cost control, and cloud

Insights from the experts

At Genpact, we believe technology is only as effective as the people who oversee it. Whatever applications and infrastructure your business relies on, our technology services team will help you make the most of current and future investments.

In this video series, our technology services team shares some best practices related to three of the hottest topics in the industry:

  1. Making the most of generative AI
  2. Controlling costs in a changing world
  3. The evolution of cloud

Episode one

When people think about generative AI, they tend to be excited by its possibilities but unsure how to integrate it into business operations. There can also be a lot of fear around how to use it safely, securely, and effectively.

To address these issues, Rajesh and Viki outline how generative AI can be used in technology services, some myths they're trying to debunk, and success stories and advice for making the most of the technology.

Episode two

We know that business and technology leaders are under immense pressure. They need to do more with less and invest in new and existing technologies – while making sure costs don’t spiral out of control.

It’s a big ask. So, we spoke to Amandeep and Akshay to understand what cost control really involves in our changing world. Watch this video to hear how we've helped companies manage spending and plan effectively.

Episode three

Many enterprise leaders have made huge strides when it comes to cloud. Gone are the days of focusing on migration. The evolution of cloud means we're prioritizing modernization, laying a foundation for emerging tech like gen AI, and building strategic partnerships with innovative cloud providers.

With this in mind, we caught up with Rene and Murat to explore the role cloud plays in tech services and what leaders must do to use cloud technologies successfully.

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Our work with Astellas is a great example of how we help enterprises make the most of their tech investments
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