AWS Migration | Our Partners | Genpact

Genpact and AWS for your cloud migration

Accelerate your transformation with seamless cloud migration

Across every industry, businesses use the cloud to shift from CapEx to OpEx models, increase agility, and decrease IT costs. But the cloud migration journey is not always an easy one. In fact, according to Gartner, 83% of data migrations fail and over 50% exceed budgets. Companies need a tried and tested cloud migration strategy. Thanks to our partnership with Amazon Web Services (AWS), we can help.

Genpact has the strategic, operational, and technical expertise your business needs for a successful AWS migration, no matter where you're starting your cloud journey.

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Why Genpact and AWS?

With millions of active clients and 100,000+ partners globally, AWS has one of the largest and most dynamic partner ecosystems. Genpact has demonstrated its commitment to AWS and expertise with AWS technology and services by attaining a Premier Partnership. Clients from every industry, geography, and size can feel confident that when working with Genpact and AWS, they'll benefit from a proven partnership that brings the best and brightest minds to their digital modernization projects.

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