Fast Company Partnership | Our Purpose | Genpact

World-changing ideas need world-class execution

Fast Company and Genpact partner on World Changing Ideas

fast company partnership purpose genpact

Innovation for the good of society and the planet

Fast Company's World Changing Ideas awards recognize the products, concepts, companies, policies, and designs that are solving global challenges. The awards are partnering with Genpact for the second year to power change in one honoree with technology.

World Changing Ideas finalist Climate Vault is tackling environmental sustainability by dramatically reducing organizations' carbon footprint on the planet. It's the world's first verifiable, integrated solution to both reduce emissions and remove carbon from the atmosphere. And now, through Genpact's expertise with data, technology, and AI, more businesses will benefit from Climate Vault's game-changing approach.

Learn how our partnership will create immediate, transformative results.

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World Changing Ideas 2021: battling food insecurity

Last year, the ambition and impact of one company stood out: Bento – a text-message-based service that connects people in need with nutritious, prepaid meals from nearby restaurants so no one needs to go hungry.

See how we automated meal recommendations, so the right people get the right medically tailored healthy meals.

Enabling more purpose-driven businesses

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